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How to Plan a Surprise Proposal in Tamarindo

Genna Marie Davis

Tamarindo and its surrounding Guanacaste beaches is the most amazing place to plan a surprise proposal in Costa Rica! Here are some tips for how to plan your perfect engagement shoot.

1) KEEP IT SIMPLE! Unless you have a lot of budget to hire musicians, flowers, and other ideas that require setup, keep your proposal simple. Don't plan anything too extravagant. The more simple it is, the more likely everything will go as planned!

2) If possible, pick a day when it will be sunset at low or mid tide during your trip. That way, the beach feels more spacious with fewer people (with more sand, everyone has more room to spread out!).

3) Hire me! I have shot dozens and dozens of surprise proposals in this area and will give you step by step instructions on where to be and when for the optimal light and cleanest backgrounds. I'll choose the spot where there will be the fewest people and make your surprise proposal perfect!

4) Don't put your soon-to-be fiance's back to me. When you get down on one knee, make sure that your significant other's face (or the side of the face) is to me so I can get that once in a lifetime, surprised/excited/joyous/ENGAGED expression!


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